Methadone Clinic in Jackson MS - Trusted Methadone Treatment Center Since 2005

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We’ve moved our location!

Alternatives for Life Treatment & Recovery has moved to our new and better location at 5360 I 55 N., Suite 160, Jackson, MS 39211.  We are pleased to offer this improved environment and remain firm in our commitment to treat those struggling with opioid addiction.  ALTR is a provider of essential services and remains open for business during the Covid-19 pandemic.

About Us
ALTR your course to change your life!

Alternatives for Life Treatment and Recovery, LLC (ALTR) is a methadone treatment and suboxone treatment clinic in Jackson MS committed to helping Opioid Dependent persons regain freedom from the chains of addiction.

Our doctors are certified by the American Board of Addiction Medicine with more than 19 years of experience in specializing and treating opiate addiction and have successfully treated thousands of patients in Mississippi. Aside from opiate addiction treatment, we also offer buprenorphine treatment, zubsolv treatment, and subutex treatment.

Our highly trained and caring staff of licensed professional counselors and certified addiction counselors is dedicated to providing respect and support to those battling the disease of opiate addiction.

ALTR is licensed by the State of Mississippi Department of Mental Health, maintains accreditation through CARF , and is recognized by SAMHSA for providing quality addiction treatment.

Alternatives for Life Treatment and Recovery (ALTR) is a Medicare approved facility and is accepting new patients.

Do I Qualify For Treatment?

In order to qualify for treatment at ALTR, a person must
Be at least 18 years old.

Have a valid state issued ID or driver’s license

Provide evidence of a history of opioid dependency lasting for no less than one year

Be in active withdrawal (unless pregnant)

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